Friday, January 01, 2010

ATE Clothing Online

Sooo I've been supporting ATE since my ending Freshmen year at VCU in 2008 because the mission behind it is sincere and the logo is pretty sweet. Plus the guy who began the ATE movement (Esmel Meeks) is pretty down-to-earth. I could sit here and type of a whole history of the line, BUT this excerpt from the Info portion of the site sums it up. Also, to go to the site just click the title of this post. =)

"ATE, the acronym for Ancient Thread Empire, is a newly launched high-end street wear brand that is rapidly making noise in both the local and mainstream fashion realms. Established by Esmel Meeks, a Virginia Beach native and a fashion entrepreneurship major at Virginia Commonwealth University, the ATE label aims to carry on the legacy of the pioneering street wear brands while encouraging an innovation and influential originality of its own. ATE prides itself on guaranteeing quality over quantity by taking calculated time to utilize only the finest threads, to hand-sew every tag, and to ensure all garments are printed in the United States. The fashion style of ATE aims to be the beacon of individuality, inspiration, and growth.

ATE is much more than a clothing line: Our mission is to not only provide the world with a fresh element of fashion by any means necessary, but to pursue philanthropy for the people with an equal amount of passion and dedication. With each transaction of ATE merchandise, a percentage of that sale will automatically be contributed to our very own Achievement Through Education Foundation, which provides tuition scholarship for underprivileged students. Our clientele look good but feel even better about our product knowing they benefited a powerful cause. In essence, ATE personifies the fusion of style, generosity, and education. We are the product of fashion’s ever-evolving, diverse culture and the influential youth of the past and present generations.

Inspiration: ATE’s conceptual roots originated from biblical scripture. When Eve “ATE” the apple in the Garden of Eden, Mankind and thus clothing were spawned.

Genesis 3:6-7, “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ATE™ it. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they realized they were naked.”

Thanks, Eve!

Enjoy— the site of fashion, exclusive interviews with the artistically influential elite, updates of the brand’s charitable benefactions, and progress."

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